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Message from the Kurdistan Diaspora Women's Federation on the Occasion of the Kurdistan Parliamentary Elections

Elections are a fundamental principle of democracy in any society. Every individual has the right to exercise this right freely. The Kurdistan Region is currently at a sensitive historical juncture, and the election campaign is being conducted in a fully democratic and free manner.

The Kurdistan parliamentary elections are scheduled for October 20, 2024. It is crucial for citizens to actively participate in shaping the future of Kurdistan by making decisive contributions to the country's plans and strategies. Everyone should feel a sense of national responsibility and play their part in ensuring the success of the electoral process.

As the Kurdistan Diaspora Women's Federation, we view it as our national duty to support and contribute to the success of this process. We call upon all citizens to show up on election day and cast their votes for candidates and lists that promote service, development, and progress for Kurdistan. In particular, we encourage the women of Kurdistan, as always, to be drivers of national success, to inspire and motivate their families, and to head to the polls together to elect their representatives.

We hope that the election process in the Kurdistan Region concludes successfully and that all political parties run their campaigns responsibly, accepting the results without creating disruptions to the political and governance processes in the region.

Kurdistan Diaspora Women's Federation

Oct 8, 2024

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